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Project Experience

A summary of my background and experience is available here.

Energy experience


Reverse engineering regulation contribution factors
Australian Energy Market Commission
Reverse engineered AEMO’s causer pays contribution factors procedure calculations from the bottom up and modelled the impact modifications to the procedure would have on power stations.


Valuing Constraints in the NEM
Australian Energy Market Commission
Worked on multiple projects helping the policy teams understand the impact that constraints have in the NEM. A big part of this work involved me reverse engineered the local price for generators from the marginal value of binding dispatch constraints.


Reliability Scenario Modelling
Australian Energy Market Commission
Modified AEMO’s ESOO Plexos model to explore long term reliability scenarios in the NEM. In addition to the Plexos modelling, I also developed custom software and machine learning models to explore AEMO’s ESOO and ISP trace datasets.


Primary frequency response modelling
Australian Energy Market Commission
Collaborated with the AEMC policy team and external consultants to quantify the impact of the mandatory primary frequency response rule change. The real challenge with this piece of work was the immense size (billions of rows) and complexity of the datasets.


Distributed energy resources modelling
Australian Energy Market Commission
Worked closely with the policy team to develop an analytics methodology to quantify the impact DER export charges would have on households around Australia.


Annual Market Performance Review analysis
Australian Energy Market Commission
Provided the AMPR team with analytics support on multiple occasions, and most recently used it as an opportunity to teach some of the AEMC grads how to write software to analyse large energy datasets and interact with the MMS database.


Government Advice
Australian Energy Market Commission
Collaborated with an economist in the quant team to develop a financial model of some of the power purchase agreements a government had entered into.


Internal software development projects
Australian Energy Market Commission
Developed multiple software tools to make the quant team more efficient, including libraries to extract large datasets automatically from the MMS database, software to process the huge datasets generated by Plexos, and dispatch engine simulation software.


Led energy analytics workstreams for data-driven decision making in support of policy development
Multiple Australian Governments (Port Jackson Partners clients)
Led delivery of data workstreams on multiple projects for government clients using my expertise in energy market analytics. I delivered a wide variety of work including battery simulations, analysed interconnector flows, gas investments, blackouts, bidding behaviour, generators, etc. One of the engagements was with a federal cabinet minister on reducing Australian retail power prices. This involved complex modelling of energy market dynamics involving billions of rows of energy data.


Gentailer customer analytics
New Zealand gentailer client (Port Jackson Partners client)
Led delivery of the analytics workstream of a project for a major gentailer which allowed the customer to understand the profitability of individual customers for the first time by linking wholesale nodal prices to their retail database.


Data-driven decision making for renewable energy investment
Financial services client (Port Jackson Partners client)
Quantified the volume of renewable energy being curtailed in South Australia so the client could strategically determine whether it was worth investing in storage technologies.


Energy retail customer analysis
Australian energy retailer (Port Jackson Partners client)
Delivered a database cleaning and quantitative analysis project for an energy retailer which enabled them to understand how much profit they made on individual customers for the first time. The insights from this work helped them eliminate multiple unprofitable plans and develop new strategies to avoid valuable customers churning away.

Analytics Experience


Data linkage and development for mortgage analysis
Major Australian bank (Port Jackson Partners client)
Developed a new analytics methodology to help the bank understand its mortgage market share in each postcode. The real challenge was acquiring and linking the datasets to do this analysis, which required me to write software to scrape data from major property websites, clean years of data from the NSW Valuer General, and combine it using the spatial datasets generated by the ABS.


Data preparation and customer segmentation analysis
Digital gift card company (Port Jackson Partners client)
Cleaned up the client’s database and helped them undertake customer segmentation analysis of their B2B and B2C customers.


Software development to automate data preparation and analysis for performance management
Mortgage broker (Port Jackson Partners client)
Developed software to clean hundreds of spreadsheets generated by the client to document the performance of every mortgage broker that worked for them.


Software development to automate financial statements
Packaging manufacturing company (Port Jackson Partners client)
Developed multiple pieces of software to help the company combine and automate analysis of decades of financial statements from dozens of their subsidiary companies.


Strategic data-driven advice for “Before and After School Care” education reform
State Government Education Department (Port Jackson Partners client)
Provided strategic advice to a government department in meeting an electoral commitment to provide before and after school care to every child. I used a variety of data cleaning and spatial analysis techniques to help them understand which schools required departmental interventions.


Modelling and data visualisation for education funding model
Large Education Body (Port Jackson Partners client)
Advised a major school-based education provider who was struggling to understand the implications of a new federal funding system by modelling the impact of the legislation on the finances of their thousands of individual schools. I developed an interactive data visualisation tool which allowed the client to explore alternatives to this funding model and which was presented to the Prime Minister when the funding package was successfully renegotiated.


Product sizing analytics
Dairy company (Port Jackson Partners client)
Quantified the market share of a number of cheese brands owned by the client and analysed the impact that changes to product sizing would have on profitability.


Development of a software system to monitor honeybee behaviour
The Australian National University
Developed and tested new software that uses machine learning and computer vision to automate workflows in honeybee research. This new methodology required me to write software to work with massive datasets, and to become an expert in a variety of analytics techniques including image analysis, network analysis, spatial analysis, database programming, and machine learning.


Doctor of Philosophy (Computational Biology)
The Australian National University
Attained Australian Postgraduate Award

Bachelor of Science (Honours)
The Australian National University
Attained First Class Honours

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