Earlier this week I came across an article about how New England Solar was planning to sell off its solar farms in Australia due to the impact of network congestion:…
Since the energy sector is full of optimisation problems, I thought I’d share some talks from JuliaCon 2021 that touch on the topic. Modelling Australia’s National Electricity Market with JuMP…
Every 5 minutes, AEMO will dispatch generators across the National Electricity Market (NEM) in order to meet demand. To achieve this, AEMO needs to predict what demand will look like…
In the National Electricity Market (NEM), power stations can bid in their availability in 10 different pricing tranches. They’re able to rebid this availability right up until dispatch is run.…
One of the fun things about playing with hundreds of millions of rows of energy market data is that you can just go hunting through it for interesting anomalies. I…
Virtual power plants, Texas ‘big freeze’ event, and grid visualisation tips video
by Jack Simpsonby Jack SimpsonHere’s a few interesting pieces of energy-related content I’ve come across this week. 1. SolarQuotes have put up a video about their experience participating in a virtual power plant. In…
Sometimes when you work on large projects, you can end up with code that looks like this: Now, what does the 15 mean? Well, I’m sure you would have known…
I’ve written this article as a guide to the different reliability forecasts that AEMO undertakes in the National Electricity Market (NEM). These forecasts help AEMO identify supply shortfalls, and plan…
The reliability standard is the threshold used to determine whether there will be enough future capacity in the National Electricity Market (NEM) to meet demand. A breach of the standard…
Lately I’ve been working with AEMO’s 4-second interval data from the National Electricity Market (NEM). Visualising the grid at this resolution is so fascinating, and I wanted to share a…