One of the amazing things about working in the energy industry is the sheer volume of reasonably well-structured datasets that are available. The real limitation when working with this data…
One of my favourite data science resources is the mini-episode series of the Data Skeptic podcast. These short episodes would feature the host explaining a data science concept to a…
On the 25th of May, an explosion and fire at Callide Power Station initiated a series of events that culminated in blackouts affecting hundreds of thousands of Queenslanders. The figure…
I was recently interviewed on the Talk Python podcast about my background in analytics and how I’m applying it in the energy sector: Python in the Electrical Energy Sector
AEMO’s Quarterly Energy Dynamics (QED) report just came out today for Q1 2021. Of particular interest is the South Australian region which has been experiencing incredibly low prices thanks to…
Back in 2017, I had the amazing opportunity to be one of 20 young Australians selected by Startup Catalyst to receive a scholarship for their Future Founders Mission to Silicon…
Visualising the impact of Melbourne’s COVID-19 lockdown on Solar Panel Installations
by Jack Simpsonby Jack SimpsonIn July 2020, Melbourne entered its second COVID-19 lockdown – a lockdown which would not be lifted until late October. I thought it would be rather interesting to visualise the…
I should mention up-front that the techniques described in this post are really only worthwhile once you have a dataset in the millions of rows or above. Once your data…
Pandas and NumPy are fantastic libraries that enable you to take advantage of vectorization to write extremely efficient Python code. However, what happens when the calculation you wish to run…
This article will walk you through the construction of an extremely simple dispatch engine programmed in GMPL. While my preferred language is Python, GLPK lets us focus exclusively on the…