Home » Visualising the Tesla big battery at Hornsdale

Visualising the Tesla big battery at Hornsdale

by Jack Simpson
Hornsdale Power Reserve

Lately I’ve been working with AEMO’s 4-second interval data from the National Electricity Market (NEM). Visualising the grid at this resolution is so fascinating, and I wanted to share a couple of figures I’d generated looking at the Hornsdale Power Reserve (the big Tesla battery). The figures have also raised a couple of questions for me which I’ve recorded below.

In all the figures, the battery has no dispatch target – rather it is responding to the automatic generation control (AGC) regulation instructions. In the figures:

  • Left y axis:
    • MW is what the battery was doing
      • Positive values mean the battery is discharging
      • Negative values mean the battery is recharging
    • Target Ramp is the dispatch target of the generator
    • Target Ramp + Reg adds in the regulation component to the target
  • Right y axis:
    • Hz is the mainland system frequency
2020-08-08 09:00-09:30
2020-08-08 23:00-23:30

Question: The battery does not appear to be as close to its targets as I thought it would – is this real or is the 4-second resolution too slow to see the true generation of the battery?

2021-04-08 09:00-09:30

Question: Could this be the battery responding to a contingency event as it is not generating in response to dispatch or regulation targets? That said, the system frequency doesn’t appear to deviate too much from 50 Hz.

I hope you found some of these figures as fascinating as I did – it’s amazing seeing how much the battery is doing in each dispatch interval! If you think you might know the answer to some of my questions, please let me know!

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Currently fascinated by energy markets and electrical engineering. In another life I was a beekeeper that did a PhD in computational biology writing image analysis software and using machine learning to quantify honeybee behaviour in the hive.

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