I thought I’d share a few interesting presentations released by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
1. A presentation outlining four phases of energy storage deployment, where storage provides:
- Operating reserve
- Peak capacity
- Diurnal capacity and energy time shifting
- Multiday to seasonal capacity and energy time shifting
2. A talk about energy storage and generation hybrids. In the presentation they discuss:
- How storage is changing the way power purchase agreements (PPAs) are structured
- The impact of the choices you make when setting up your hybrid systems (e.g. separate vs shared inverters)
- How storage is improving the dispatchability of variable renewable energy (VRE) units, and reducing forecast error
- The number of PV and battery hybrid systems will continue to grow, but won’t completely displace individual PV units
There was also a second presentation about research into floating solar panels and how you could coordinate it with hydro power which was rather interesting.