Programming and software development
I recently watched Rebecca Bilbro’s presentation at PyCon 2016 and thought I’d share a few of my short notes from her interesting presentation.
Model Selection Triple
When selecting a model, rather than going with your default favourite method, take 3 things into account:
- Feature analysis: intelligent feature selection and engineering
- Model selection: model that makes most sense for problem/domain space
- Hyperparameter Tuning: once model and features have been selected, select the parameters that result in optimal performance.
Visual Feature Analysis
- Boxplots are a useful starting tool for looking at all features as they show you:
- Central tendency
- Distribution
- Outliers
- Histograms let you examine the distribution of a feature
- Sploms: Pairwise plots of features to identify:
- pairwise linear, quadratic and exponential relationships between variables
- Homo/heteroscedasticity
- How features are distributed relative to each other
- Raduiz: Plot features around a circle and show how much pull they have
- Parallel coordinates: lets you visualise multiple variables as line segments – you want to find separating chords which can help with classification
Evaluation Tools
- Classification heat maps: show you areas where model is performing best
- ROC-AUC and Prediction Error Plots: Show you which models are performing better
- Residual plots: Show you which models are doing best and why
- Gridsearch and validation curves: shows you the performance of a model along the parameters. You can create a visual heatmap for grid search